Thursday, October 15, 2009

Beer Bath

One of these things just doesn't belong here.......
Please pardon the 70's bathroom tile and the lovely 90's feathering of the walls, and focus your attention on the far left of the picture. I have highlighted the object, just in case this is something that any of you are used to seeing in your shower. I got in the shower this morning, reached for the shampoo and what, to my surprise, did I find.... why nothing other than a Bud Light in a hugger right up on the towel rack with my bath products! Now, how did this get there, you ask? Well, there are a number of ways that it could have gotten there. But, I bet you will never guess the actual way that a beer ended up in my shower. This may be appropriate, say... if you were on vacation at the beach, completely hammered and really needed a shower. But, under any other normal circumstances, you will find that the only way that this could ever happen is in the following steps:
1. Allan was drinking a beer while watching TV
2. The baby come home from spending the day with Allan's Mother
3. Allan hides the beer in the couch cushions because his Mother does not approve of the beer
4. Allan decides the baby needs a bath
5. Allan would like to drink his beer while bathing the baby (?????!!!! Don't ask me why or blame his unsafe habits on me!) I have to believe that Allan was not BBWI (baby bathing while intoxicated.
6. Allan places his beer on the towel rack for safe keeping
7. Allan finishes Peyton's bath
8. Allan takes Peyton into the nursery to dress him
9. Allan forgets about his beer, for a little while
10. Allan searches for his beer all over the house and gives up after 3 or 4 minutes
11. Allan gets another beer, sits on the couch and proceeds to watch TV

That is how it happened. I have not asked him yet, but I can almost guarantee this is how it happened. I left it there for him this morning. I hope he drank it while he showered this morning. I hate for a good beer to go to waste.

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