First of all just let me say... "Oh my goodness!" A whole month went by and I didn't post even once. Sorry guys! Well, this one is an old story, but totally bloggable! I can't believe that I haven't told this one yet. Here we go.....
The day that we found out that Peyton was a boy was a very special day, in many ways! We wanted to share the news with family and friends and invited our Parents to come along with us. Well, this translated into my Mom, Allan's Mom and Dad, Allan's Brother, Allan's Grandparents, a video camera, and one cell phone that no one in that waiting room will ever forget. We were all sitting there waiting for my turn in the ultrasound room, when all of the sudden, at a terribly embarrassing volume we hear......
"Too much booty in the pants... Dance! too much booty in the pants... Dance, Dance, Dance, Dance! Wassup all the freaks out there with the big ole booties..."
Keep in mind that there are several other people, besides our family in the room. Including, Doctors, Nurses, and other families.
We all jumped about ten feet in the air and started looking around for the person that would have such an awful ring tone, at such a loud volume, in such a quiet waiting room.... and much to our surprise.... It was Allan's GRANDMOTHER'S phone!!!!! After that... it was all downhill... this is how the conversation went:
Allan: Geki (pronounced GEEKY - that's a whole other story), are you kidding me? Why is that your ring tone?
Geki: Eric (another Grandson) changed it to that song.
Allan: Here give it to me and I will change it to something NORMAL!
Geki: (snatching the phone back) NO! I like this ring tone. This way I know that it is MY phone that is ringing!
Allan: WHAT!? Do you even know what that is saying?
Geki: Yes! That I have too much booty in my pants.
WOW!!!! We all just sat in silence.
Ode to oxymetazoline
11 years ago
OMG Elissa..I totally needed a laugh today! That was hysterical. I can't stop laughing...even though everyone in my office is looking at me like I've lost it.
whoever argues with me, prepare to be slapped.